Doodles are notorious for sensitive stomachs. I mean have you ever seen the vet that mimics the dogs that she sees on a daily basis? No? Well here is a plug for her because she is so funny and this is a good way to start the conversation. You can find her on TikTok here is a good video that describes what she sees in dogs on the daily: “drmollysays” She knows her dogs and if you keep watching her, you will see she often portrays doodles having stomach issues. So it is a thing for them, for certain.
Lets find a way to avoid the Dr. Mollys out there when doodle diarrhea can be treated at home within 48 hours. Disclaimer: This is for a dog with no other symptoms other than diarrhea. They are acting normal, but they have soupy poopy.

For Unexplained GI Upsets
To start, and most importantly: NO FOOD for 24 hours. Absolutely none. No treats, nothing. This is VERY important. It’s a rest to the digestive system. Here is a thought wild dogs/wolves don't eat on a daily basis. They eat what they can when they can. Sometimes they go days or weeks with out food. So a 24 hour rest is okay for your doodle. Trust the process and not your begging dog.
After 24 hours (you can go longer than 24 hours if you want to keep your feeding schedule, but not shorter), feed a bland diet. White chicken breast and white rice and one tsp of plain no flavor canned pumpkin with some fortiflora sprinkled on top. Do not over feed even if your dog seems eager to wolf it down and begs for more, be strong and feed his normal amount. A bland diet is yum for some but not for others. That’s okay. If you have a really picky doodle, make your rice with some low sodium chicken broth. Otherwise go as plain as you can go.
Third feed regular food with fortiflora but cut the feeding down. Feed ¾ of what you would normally feed. Remember we are resting the GI system and it needs a good 48 hours to recover.
On the third day, stools will be soft but firm and on day four all will be back as it were before the GI upset. No expensive vet visit needed. If your dog does not recover with this GI upset feeding instructions or if at any time your dog seems lethargic, depressed, or not acting like his normal happy self, you should make a vet appointment immediately. It is very important that your dog does not get dehydrated.
Diarrhea is a “thing” with doodles. They inherit the nasty problem from their poodle side. However, after dealing with the unexpected, unplanned, and unexplained GI upset over the past 45 years of poodle and 15 years of goldendoodle ownership, I have found that 95% of them have eaten something bad or even different. It’s not an emergency vet visit or even a vet visit at all. It’s just time to rest, and make a bland diet. I’ve only taken puppies to the vet for diarrhea because their stomach are too new to have the ability to recover quickly and they can easily get dehydrated. So its important for puppies to see a Dr. Molly. Otherwise follow the steps above for you adult doodle and you will certainly dial in the diarrhea.